About the Good, and the Bad, on AI

Todayìs news

McKinsey on their forecast where AI implementation will have the highest value

Software engineering has the highest level of business impact, followed by customer operations. Interesting that McKinsey sees a lower ROI on most other business functions.

AI start ups starting to run into difficulties

Take care when investing in an AI product, there will be a few winners, and a lot of losers going out of business. There has been a huge investment in AI start ups, but, as with other software, there will be a few stand out winners, and a lot of companies failing to execute.

AI cannot ‘unlearn’

As this article says, ‘it’s nearly impossible to remove a user’s data from a trained A.I. model without resetting the model and forfeiting the extensive money and effort put into training it. To use a human analogy, once an A.I. has “seen” something, there is no easy way to tell the model to “forget” what it saw. And deleting the model entirely is also surprisingly difficult.’

Today’s article on missing AI information

Medical people can read about Renal Artery Thrombosis in Essential Thrombocythemia, AI cannot (behind paywall). If you know someone with this problem, AI will not help you.